Ich habe vorgestern dann man eine Antwort von Skoda bekommen:
<<<Your issue is a known problem on our side. We are currently developing long term solution, that will be available in the near future. The reported problem is caused by the low-voltage battery protection. The low-voltage battery protection deactivates non-mandatory transactions for using your vehicle according to its power level and show the corresponding message in the application to prevent draining the low-voltage battery.
For now, we can manually turn on the High Voltage battery support on your vehicle, but we will need your concern to do it. High Voltage battery support function will enable charging the 12V battery, which is used for connectivity services, from your traction battery. Do you agree that we will manually and remotely turn this function for your vehicle? Please let us known.
Die VW Kolleginnen und Kollegen können das scheinbar in ihrer App selbst steuern:
Speicher Frag doch mal ganz lieb Herr Zellmer, ob er uns das auch gönnt.
In den VW Foren gibt es ebenso seitenlange Threads zu dem Problem.
Und es gibt scheinbar Lieferschwierigkeiten für Ersatzbatterien 🙄