Beiträge von ATnet

    There is also a lot of multi-brand dealer in Poland, these are the worst possible services, they do not know completely what they are doing. I know from experience that small unauthorized services are better, they repair and not just mindlessly replace. Einstein said that when repeating the same experience again and again, no other result should be expected. What is the purpose of replacing the multiple steering wheel ???

    At the same time, on the support pages of Apple and Reddit, they write that turning off the Equalizer in the Iphone partially eliminates the problem. I do not have a car for testing, I will not confirm it.

    I tested the Eniaq and ID.4 with Apple Car Play. The problem is music streaming over a wireless connection. Apple has a car side granting mechanism for a wireless Wifi access point. And it just breaks down. Everything works great with the cable.

    Sorry to speak English, but the German translator hurts your language too much.

    Eniaq EV 80x Sportline white, with many packet Plus orderers, I wait for VIN. KIA e-Niro my first EV car, I LOVE EV CARS....

    In meinem vorherigen Toyota LC150-Auto hatte ich eine Sitzbelüftung, aber das Einschalten führte immer zu Rückenschmerzen. Auch im aktuellen KIA e-Niro funktioniert es ähnlich. Bei BMW hingegen soll die Sitzbelüftung nach dem Prinzip des Ansaugens, nicht des Blasens funktionieren. Ich kann mir nur nicht vorstellen, was in so einem Stuhl passiert.