OTA 3.0.7 Vorbereitungsupdate

  • 3.5 -> 3.6 -> 3.7, und ich bin noch auf 3.5 🤔

    Bin noch auf 3.0 🤷‍♂️

    Bestellt: 12/2021 - Skoda Enyaq iV 80 - Graphite - 19" Aero Design Lounge

    Drive Sport-/Convenience-/Family-/Infotainment-Basic

    Licht&Sicht-/Fahrassistenz-/Klima-/Parken-Plus Seitenairbags

    Gepäcknetztrennwand 3J/100k Garantie - Erhalten 08/2022

  • Bin noch auf 3.0 🤷‍♂️

    Das könnte jetzt hier zu einer #MeToo Debatte führen.

    iV 80 seit 19.04.2022 (11 Monate Wartezeit)| Graphit-Grau, 19“ Regulus, Leder Schwarz (Suite) | Wärmepumpe, 125 kW Ladung, Seiten-, Center-, Kopfairbags, AHK | Drive Sport Basic, Fahrassistenz Plus, Infotainment Basic, Family Basic, Sitzkomfort Basic, Klimatisierung Plus, Convenience Plus, Transportpaket | Nachbestellt: Licht & Sicht Basic (Danke ans Forum!)

    Soundsystem: Speaker-City Smart-Upgrade

    ME 3.0 seit 16.09.2022

    ME 3.7 seit 03.07.2024

  • Hello.

    I have some updates about the upgrades and also regarding preheating, I would say. There's both good and bad news.

    • Cars will be updated this year to the latest version of ME 3.7. Testing is ongoing, and they have achieved positive results. The good news is that ME 3.X is "obsolete," so they can upgrade all cars to ME 3.7 and then start working on additional features. Q1 2024 should still be feasible if VW allows the service calls.
    • Most cars will be updated offline, at your car service. OTA updates are not possible as potential issues were found that could potentially result in bricked cars.
    • Preheating is being considered as mentioned before, but there's a catch. It seems that Skoda is the only brand within the group pushing Cariad to introduce preheating to ME 3.X systems.

    There is a roadmap, but it will not be made public. Skoda and Cariad are collaborating on software development with various 3rd-party vendors, and any delays could lead to significant public issues. Skoda is aware of communication problems but is facing resistance from the headquarters in Wolfsburg.

    But you know, I never said anything. 8)

  • Thank you for the information!

    Most cars will be updated offline, at your car service. OTA updates are not possible as potential issues were found that could potentially result in bricked cars.

    I guess that excludes cars with ME 3.5 that get updates to 3.6&3.7 and cars with 3.6 that are getting 3.7 OTA already now, without notification or user action.

    I wonder when the cars with 3.5 built before mid of August 2023 will get the updates too.

  • Ich such jetzt nicht meinen Post dass 3.2 OTAutohaus kommt und man, eigentlich Zeit (und damit Geld) und einiges an Kritik der Kunden erspart hätte, wenn man das gleich so gemacht hätte. Dann warten wir mal ab wann sich Skoda bzw. VW den anscheinend Kunden 2ter Klasse aka Skodafahrern, erbarmt dass die Servicekampagne gestartet wird. Klar OTA würde das Update weniger kosten als die Autos in die Werkstatt zu rufen, aber wenn man einfach nicht hinbekommt und man über ein halbes Jahr "krampfhaft" versucht OTA hinzubekommen ohne dass es zu Bricks kommt. Für ein OS das angeblich für OTAs ausgelegt wurde einfach ein Armutszeugnis. Dann hoffen wir mal dass es dann bei anscheinend kleiner Sprünge 3.2->3.5/6/7... besser läuft. Allerdings, ohne Patchnotes oder bemerkbar Änderungen, weiß man halt auch nicht ob da nicht einfach nur ein Update eingespielt wird das die Versionsnummer anhebt 😜.

    80 - blau - Loft - Infotaimaint Basic - Convenience BASIC - Transport

  • Thank you for the information!

    I guess that excludes cars with ME 3.5 that get updates to 3.6&3.7 and cars with 3.6 that are getting 3.7 OTA already now, without notification or user action.

    I wonder when the cars with 3.5 built before mid of August 2023 will get the updates too.

    I suppose so. No information about ME 3.5 drivers was shared, as we've been discussing ME 3.0 - ME 3.2.

  • Thank you very much for the information you shared. I was concerned that this is the problem:
    "Skoda is aware of communication problems but is facing resistance from the headquarters in Wolfsburg."

    I drove Audi A2, Skoda Octavia with pleasure, I love my Enyaq but hate coldgate. It's the last car from VW I buy. I keep the car and I know how to cope with. My next (second car) is a Volvo xc30 and not a ID3 or Born. It's not about lagging entertainment system or missing karaoke/Youtube whatever... it's just about a basic non working thermal management and the ignorant management.

    Skoda Enyaq iV80, Graphite Grey, Sport, 20" Vega, Klima, Anhängerkupplung, Assistenzwas und sicher noch ganz anderes Zeugs

    • The good news is that ME 3.X is "obsolete," so they can upgrade all cars to ME 3.7 and then start working on additional features.

    thx for info!

    i don't understand the statement above, it seems conflicting. It's either obsolete and will die on 3.7, or will it get additional features, meaning 3.7.5, 3.8, etc?

    pls. try to find out some info on whether the backend will support trips/consumption/statistics data for ME3.x.

    i'm not sure they have it for ME4.x either at this moment.

    also if they plan at least to upgrade UI to modern design for ME3.x, since 3.7 is still using old one.


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