OTA 3.0.7 Vorbereitungsupdate

  • ME 3.X is an obsolete system, and new cars are no longer being equipped with it; instead, the transition is towards ME 4.X. Given this shift, there is an opportunity to bring all existing cars up to the latest version of ME 3.X before commencing additional updates.

    The majority of vehicles are expected to undergo upgrades to either ME 3.5 or ME 3.7, depending on decisions made by VW and Cariad. ME 3.5 can be seamlessly upgraded via OTA updates to ME 3.7, as no significant features or issues have been identified. Once a majority of cars have been successfully upgraded, Skoda can confidently focus on introducing new features and subsequent updates.

    Currently, the top priority is ensuring that most vehicles are running on the latest ME 3.X version. This is the primary focus at the moment.

    As for the application, insider information reveals that the team has invested considerable time in developing version 7.0, incorporating significant changes in the backend. Interestingly, they frequently checking the Tesla app, aiming to create a similarly user-friendly and functional interface.The upcoming version is expected to provide statistics, charging history, trip logs, and various other features. However, no specific timeline (ETA) has been provided, as the main focus is on ensuring accessibility and availability.

  • Well, if I get 3.7 + a stable and reliable App to control Charging/Clima I'd me more than happy. Couldn't ask for more actually.

    For 3.0 to 3.7 I don't really care if OTA or during the 2y maintenance at the dealer.

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  • Der 60‘er wird nicht mehr weiter entwickelt, weil er im Sommer ausläuft, und dann nicht mehr bestellbar sein wird

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    4L83R7 31N5731N

  • Der 60‘er wird nicht mehr weiter entwickelt, weil er im Sommer ausläuft, und dann nicht mehr bestellbar sein wird

    Mag sein, trotzdem werden bis Juni neue 60ger damit ausgeliefert, macht es meiner Meinung nach nicht besser.

    80 - blau - Loft - Infotaimaint Basic - Convenience BASIC - Transport

  • As for the application, insider information reveals that the team has invested considerable time in developing version 7.0, incorporating significant changes in the backend. Interestingly, they frequently checking the Tesla app, aiming to create a similarly user-friendly and functional interface.The upcoming version is expected to provide statistics, charging history, trip logs, and various other features. However, no specific timeline (ETA) has been provided, as the main focus is on ensuring accessibility and availability.

    hopefully we speak about Enyaq, since MySkoda 7.x already had these in the latest changelog, where it was mentioned "except Skoda Enyaq" :)

    maybe also useful to find out how to cut access to 3rd party apps (Eevee, Tronity, etc.) that users install to get such statistics using their Connect credentials. Right now, even after password changes to Connect, those apps still connect with no issues....

  • Naja, dann bleibt nur noch zu hoffen, das ich nach der 5 Jahres Garantie eine Möglichkeit finde selber in den Einstellungen rumzuspielen. Ein Kumpel von mir hat sich einen OBD Dongle gekauft für seine alte A-Klasse (Die nie für Apple und Google gedacht war). Einfach reingesteckt, Zündung angemacht, gewartet und danach konnte er sein Handy verbinden ;) Auf solche Möglichkeiten ruhen inzwischen meine ganzen Hoffnungen, weil von Skoda erwarte ich nichts mehr!

  • Ich check grad Version 7 nicht. Haben wir nicht erst 4.0 (oder vielleicht 4.1)?

    Alles retour, da geht's ja um die App

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  • In der Facebook EV-Lounge wurde doch tatsächlich gerade gefragt, ob #1276 wahr ist (mit Full-Screenshot, wer von euch war das? 😆).

    Hier mal die Antwort von Skoda dazu:


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