Guten Morgen,
habe meine erste "erfreuliche" Nachricht von Hana erhalten.
Es gibt zumindest einen voraussichtlichen Produktionstermin KW 08/2023.
Mein Händler hat mir noch im Dezember Juni 2023 geschrieben
Ich weiß, ist kein verbindlicher Termin aber zumindest ein Hoffnungsschimmer
As the information is constantly updated, we checked once again your number of the commission (091XXX, ordered in December 2021) and the manufacture of your car is scheduled at the moment, probably for the week of 8/2023 (preliminary date, the date is not fixed, could be changed).
We would like to assure you that we are working very hard to deliver the ordered vehicles to our customers as soon as possible. However, we cannot rule out delays due to restrictions on the supply of vehicle components.