Battery degradation because it is stopped for time

  • Hello! I have been ordering an Enyaq 80 for 7 months. Since September 13 they tell me that it is in the factory waiting to place a component.

    Is it dangerous for the battery to stand the car for so long? Could the battery be degrading faster?

    Thank You.

    Enyaq iV 80 MY2022. Artic Gray. Assisted driving Plus, Comfort plus, family basic, heating basic, sport driving basic, Trunk pack.

    Order: 15-06-2021.

  • normally they make sure it is properly charged and maintained, so it's not dangerous - but yes, it will see degradation not by usage but by age...



    Especially 3.4 and 4.1

    Woud be interesting to know what is considered "new" in terms of traction battery as it degrades over time...

    Enyaq iV 60 | Arctic Silver | Lodge| Basic Pakete: Conv, DriveSport, Info, Klima, Parken - Regulus / Rial Astorga | SW 3.2

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Spencer_ ()

  • Spencer_

    Danke fü den Link zum Artikel.

    In Car Scanner gibt es eine Sensorabfrage für:

    Maximum energy content of the traction battery.

    Mit dieser Abfrage, vorausgesetzt diese ist genau, könnte man einen Kapazitätsverlust der HV-Batterie kontrollieren.

  • Hello! I have been ordering an Enyaq 80 for 7 months. Since September 13 they tell me that it is in the factory waiting to place a component.

    Is it dangerous for the battery to stand the car for so long? Could the battery be degrading faster?

    Thank You.

    Interesting topic! Thanks Spencer_ for sharing the link to the investigation.

    As already mentioned by Spencer_ it will be relevant if a longer waiting unfinished car in a storage gets regular battery maintenance, which in my opinion ist questionable for cars waiting e.g. on the famous airfield. On the other hand the report shows, that batteries in storage might lose during 5 months only up to 3 % of their initial capacity, provided that they are not stored at 40 degrees celsius. Very unlikely in Czech Republic. If You finally get Your car, You can check it like Mogh recommended.

  • Die Anzeige für

    Maximum energy content of the traction battery im Carscanner schwankt bei mir zwischen 77100 und 77850 in Abhängigkeit der Temperatur.

    Enyaq 80, Zulassung 10/21,Convinience plus, Assi plus, Info basic, Klima plus, Licht&Sicht basic, Sitzkomfort basic, Transport, Design Selection Suite, Batterie plus 125 kW, 21"Betria, Race Blau

    Wallbox Heidelberg Eco, PV-5,6kWp-Fronius

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